(410) 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com

Yoga and Alexander Technique

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$40.00 Yoga and Alexander Technique August 2024

Through the course of our life, we develop subtle habits of movement; what we do often, our bodies tend to carry with us. It can be as small as a slight tightening in the thighs, developed after years in office chairs, or as large as a chronically engaged core, from a rigorous athletic or dance practice. Sometimes these habits serve us in our yoga practice – often the poses we feel most confident in are the ones that match how we move through the rest of our lives. But some poses ask for something different – that’s where Alexander Technique can help.



Alexander technique is a mind-body practice that gives concrete tools for changing subtle habits of movement. Cherished by actors, musicians, and dancers, it specializes in giving people increased choices for how they use their body. In this workshop, we’ll focus on how Alexander Technique can help you notice and refine your own movement habits, through an open, curious awareness, and intentional thought. This knowledge will help you avoid injury, move with increased ease, and tackle new aspects of your practice with flexibility and confidence.

If you are inviting a guest, you must fill out the name and email address under the "Who will attend?" section of the checkout to guarantee them a space in the workshop.

Danny Coates-Finke

Danny comes to yoga instruction from his passion for building and sharing movement practices. He believes in yoga’s potential to open space for healing by allowing us to accept and anchor in the body’s experience. His teaching style seeks to encourage curiosity and creativity in participants, supporting people to explore new possibilities within their bodies and spirits. 

Danny has been doing yoga since he was 18 years old in various ways, and his time at Syracuse University’s BFA program allowed him to study Linklater, Tai Chi, Feldenkris, and other movement practices. He spent two summers living and volunteering at Kripalu and received his 200 hour certification in 2013. He taught at Hosh Yoga in New York City before moving to D.C., where he taught regular classes and assisted on training courses at Be Here Now Yoga. At this time, he was also able to acquire his AMSAT certification as an Alexander Teacher. This variety of movement disciplines has given him a deep appreciation for the vast potentials present when bringing awareness and care to our bodies and the ways we move.

 He is currently completing an MFA in poetry and teaches literature and composition at George Mason University. He lives with his wife in Capitol Heights Maryland, where you can find him playing with his cats or trellising kiwis in the garden.

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