(410) 451-1625 yoga@croftonyoga.com

Yoga Nidra with Gentle Stretch

Mid Week Reset!   Experience Full-Body Relaxation. Feel Peaceful & Refreshed! 

As the pace of life seems to increase exponentially, the timeless practice of Yoga Nidra has come to the foreground as an effective tool for living with greater health and ease. 

Yoga Nidra literally means "yogic sleep." Studies have shown that although the mind remains conscious during the practice, the levels of relaxation and healing achievable during Yoga Nidra are deeper even than regular sleep.
If you suffer from hypertension, stress, diabetes, migraine, asthma, ulcers, digestive disorders, skin diseases, depression or insomnia, the practice of Yoga Nidra can benefit you! 

*Decrease stress 
*Improve digestion 
*Ease muscular, emotional & mental tension 

This class will begin with gentle yoga practice to warm and relax the body. Then you'll lie back on your mat to be guided systematically through increasingly deep levels of physical relaxation. As all tension leaves the body, the subconscious layers of the mind also begin to open. The techniques employed during Yoga Nidra such as visualization and sensory awareness enable you to bypass the conscious mind and enter a pre-dream state, which is the birthplace of your own creativity. It is in the subconscious is where real and lasting changes begin! 

Absolutely NO yoga or meditation experience needed. Wear comfortable clothing for gentle movements to prepare for this guided experience.

Upcoming Classes

Wednesday - March 12, 2025 / EST
Yoga Nidra with Gentle Stretch
Wednesday 3/12/2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Elizabeth Moore(sub for Kimberly M)
Crofton Yoga (Bamboo)
Wednesday - March 19, 2025 / EST
Yoga Nidra with Gentle Stretch
Wednesday 3/19/2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Kimberly Murphy
Crofton Yoga (Bamboo)
2431 Crofton Lane Suite 11, Crofton, MD 21114